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The Looming Iranian Threat: Mitigating Risk & Preventing Crisis

Gulf Futures Forum - Online Conference
Join a unique setting of policymakers, military representatives, security & diplomatic officials as well as regional specialists to gain proprietary information, contextualize intelligence and ultimately mitigate risk across the Middle East.​
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Investors and business must navigate a geopolitically volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) landscape where increasingly disruptions are becoming the norm.

Strategic Intelligentia utilizes an interdisciplinary approach to assess and predict transnational trends that brings together a team of experts in policy analysis, economics, security, communications and geopolitical analysis to take a multidimensional approach to political risk.


Articles & Media

After Afghanistan, Biden Needs to Re-Engage Central Asia
After Afghanistan, Biden Needs to Re-Engage Central Asia
(National Interest) – In the aftermath of the ill-prepared and poorly executed exit from Afghanistan, the West must maintain a regional strategy that does not concede Central Asia’s critical trade
Barak Seener Strategic Intelligentia
La débâcle en Afghanistan menace l’Asie centrale
(Le Globe France) – La Russie et la Chine ancrent leur partenariat stratégique en s’opposant conjointement à la primauté des États-Unis dans les affaires mondiales. Leur conviction mutuelle est que


Strategic Intelligentia’s integrated research platform can be customized for each client depending upon their specific business models, risk tolerance, and industry sectors. SI integrates an interdisciplinary analysis of security and economic trends with the dynamics of the local ecosystem that is tailored to the client’s specific needs. This is in contrast to the traditional standardized approach to country risk that is not interdisciplinary and as such cannot be tailored to the clients’ specific requirements. 



Strategic Intelligentia assesses how shifting geopolitical dynamics, changing policies and evolving regulations could impact upon commercial interests.

Strategic Intelligentia helps operating companies and strategic investors to mitigate political risks and identify opportunities when entering into or expanding within international markets.